

Even if you play the game with a hand tied behind your back, you won’t run out.


Doing one of these will often net you 10 or more lives. Clearing the bonus stages grants you tickets that you can use to unlock bonus levels that aren’t unlike the coin-packed levels of New Super Mario Bros. Would have gone well above it too had I not hit the limit.


You can have a maximum of 99 lives and, despite the aforementioned brevity, I accumulated this number in the third world. Marsupilami uses a lives system, and you get an extra life for every 100 fruits you find. The levels are covered in collectible fruits. Perhaps you’re riding a giant sea creature while avoiding obstacles, or navigating in the dark, or dodging giant molten rocks. Marsupilami : Hoobadventure is constantly throwing different level design concepts your way. Due to the game’s short length, these things don’t wear out their welcome either. Levels have a plethora of unique tricks up their sleeves, making many of them clearly stand out from one another. Of course, the above wouldn’t be worth as much if there wasn’t sufficient variety, but there’s plenty. Holding down the jump button as you bounce on an enemy lets you get more air off of them. As you likely imagine, you can jump on enemies to damage them in addition to the tail strike. The only gripe I have with the controls is that it takes a hair too long to transition to a wall-jump position, leading to some awkward moments when I’d attempt to wall jump and nothing would happen. Movement is exactly what it needs to be, as it quickly becomes second nature to roll and bounce around the game’s levels. The characters are joyfully mobile, as their roll can be indefinitely extended with repeated button presses - it also transitions into a long jump. Marsupilami either goes as slowly or as quickly as you want it to. But, as I said, the quality here is far higher than it has any right to be. Marsupilami : Hoobadventure is very much a standard platformer. They can jump, roll, hit things with their tails, ground pound, and grab onto suspended rings.


You can choose between the three characters on the map screen, and they’re all interchangeable. What little plot there is kicks off when the main Marsupilami accidentally releases a magic skeleton monster from a mask and it responds by hypnotizing all of the other animals into doing its bidding. The game lets you pick between one of three little, uh, leopard things. If you’re not familiar with the franchise, however, that makes little difference, as there’s practically no plot here. Marsupilami : Hoobadventure is a licensed game based on the Belgian franchise, Marsupilami, which is perhaps most famous for appearing as part of Disney’s Raw Toonage back in the early ’90s. It chose the former, and we’re left with a surprisingly good sidescrolling platformer that unfortunately only takes a couple of hours to beat. The controls and level design are so precisely on point that I think it’s likely that Ocellus Studio had to focus on quality or quantity. Marsupilami : Hoobadventure is even better in most ways, save for its lone glaring fault. What I found was an enjoyable 3D platformer. I played the former and wasn’t expecting much. Microids just released a platformer based on a famous children’s property with The Smurfs – Mission Vileaf, yet here we are with another one.
